The last few days have been rainy, dark and foggy. I have to admit that it has been an effort at times to put one foot in front of the other. That coupled with the recent job loss has really thrown me off balance. Today my husband strongly encouraged me to go for a walk with him as the sun was starting to peek out. I kept my pajamas on until noon and felt like I was merely surviving. Once we got back from the walk, I found enough energy to make oatmeal raisin cookies and accomplish a few other odds and ends. One thing I did do today that was humorous and fun is pictured above. I have a picture of some young Swedish girls on the back of the toilet, and yesterday my husband asked if I could please ask them not to look at him. So this morning I put blindfolds on them so the next time he used the facility, he would be able to see them. I knew it worked when I heard loud laughter coming from the bathroom this afternoon. Some times it's the little things that keep us going.
Thought for the day: A good laugh is sunshine in the house