My daughter, Tahnee, is expecting her first baby(girl) on Sept 30th. That is my dad's birthday so it would be great it she actually delivered on that day, but it's kind of unlikely. The "nest" is all ready. Tahnee's twin sister, Olivia, visited awhile ago and painted a tree in the nursery.
She struggled with endometriosis so it's awesome that she was able to conceive. Also, she and I went on a trip to Guatemala from Christmas Day 2009 to New Years Day 2010. When I asked her to go along, my intention was to make sure she saw and experienced this part of the world before having children. I know that once children arrive, traveling becomes more difficult. This baby was conceived upon returning, so it all worked out perfectly.
She was home last weekend and probably for the last time before delivery. We had a wonderful time together, and I got to feel baby Flowers move and hiccup. We don't know the name yet (it's a secret), but we know it's not Lily, Daisy, Rose or Violet.
So about a month from today, I'll have another grandchild to love and spoil. Life is good.
Thought for the day: Grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation. Lois Wyse