Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Back From Outer Space

Yes, I am back.  I am not totally sure why it has been so long since my last blog entry.  I could come up with any number of excuses, I suppose.  It is summer finally after a long brutal winter.  My husband has had some major changes in his job schedule.  I turned 55 in May (less energy?)  I was busy planning a family reunion. The truth of the matter is that I just didn't feel inspired to write.  Certainly don't want to feel like blogging is just another thing to do; I want it to be enjoyable.

So today is July 1st, and I finally feel like it is time. Some times we put things off and tell ourselves that tomorrow is another day.  We will see if my inspiration is short lived or if I will be a regular blogger again.

Thought for the day:  How soon not now becomes never.  Martin Luther