Yes, I am back. I am not totally sure why it has been so long since my last blog entry. I could come up with any number of excuses, I suppose. It is summer finally after a long brutal winter. My husband has had some major changes in his job schedule. I turned 55 in May (less energy?) I was busy planning a family reunion. The truth of the matter is that I just didn't feel inspired to write. Certainly don't want to feel like blogging is just another thing to do; I want it to be enjoyable.
So today is July 1st, and I finally feel like it is time. Some times we put things off and tell ourselves that tomorrow is another day. We will see if my inspiration is short lived or if I will be a regular blogger again.
Thought for the day: How soon not now becomes never. Martin Luther
Simply Me
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Going Confidently
Today I embark on a new chapter in life as yesterday was my last day of work. In November when we moved to Wisconsin, I had no choice but to find a job as we have two mortgages. So I found a part time position as a dental receptionist. It seemed like the perfect job because I no longer had to do insurance claims plus it was only 15-18 hours a week. Well, in the 8 months I was there, my hours changed at least four times. In March the dentist decided to sell the practice and move out of state so there have been some stressful times as a new owner took over and then my hours soared to about 32 a week. So since our Minnesota home is now rented, I decided to take the plunge and quit my job. I really enjoy being home and tending to the house, cooking, gardening, etc. I also feel most alive when I can spend more time with my children and grandchildren. So while we will be poor as church mice, (not sure why church mice are poorer than other mice) I am anticipating my happiness rating to go through the roof.
I am starting another blog today which is titled "Go Confidently". It is based on a Henry David Thoreau quote that I have always enjoyed. My daughter gave me a poster of it awhile back and when I would pass it, I would contemplate what it said, and it gave me the courage to quit my job and try to make it work.
If you want to check it out, it is I hope to write regularly as I take this new journey.
Thought for the day: He who is contented is rich Lao Tzu
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Junk for Jesus?
I question things that I see some times, but I usually just let it go. However, at times there are things that really catch my eye and take me down the path of questioning other things.
Recently I saw this ad in our local paper, and while I know the intention is good, it just doesn't seem right. A local church was having a fundraiser, and the title was Junk for Jesus.
Now I feel that Jesus gets a bad rap quite often. He was a simple man with humble beginnings who questioned the authority of the time and proposed ideas that didn't go over very well. He was a champion for the less privileged and his main thrust was LOVE. The only time we saw him angry was when he accused the moneychangers of making the temple a den of thieves. It was righteous anger.
Now we ask what would Jesus do? (WWJD), we see signs that say Honk if you love Jesus, we do and say things in his name that have absolutely no ties to who he really was. I would have to say that Christmas is the best example: we now have an entire country (USA) that could not sustain their economy without holiday spending. We start seeing Christmas stuff in October and it goes well into January with post-Christmas deals. This is all supposedly to honor a man who was born in a stable, had no material possessions and told us it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Some thing just isn't right with this picture.
So when I saw this ad, my heart once again went out to Jesus and the stuff he has to endure.
Thought for the day: A bumper sticker states: I Bet Jesus Would Have Used His Turn Signal
(You see what I mean!!)
You Hate Me!
Recently my granddaughter, Melody, came for a visit. We had been camping (her first time) and before she left on Sunday, we were in the backyard watering the gardens and filling the bird baths. Suddenly she started crying, ran onto the deck and yelled, "you hate me!"
It turns out she had stepped on a thistle which was in front of the bird bath, and she felt that I was somehow responsible for her pain. I sat with her on the deck and assured her that I did not hate her, I loved her very much and was very sorry. I did not know the thistle was there.
What I really wanted to tell her was there is no way I could ever hate her. No matter what you do or say, I will never hate you. My love for you is so deep and wide, there almost isn't room for it. Love filled my whole being from the first moment I saw you. I wanted to always be able to protect her and make her happy even though I know that isn't possible. She saw me as her protector, and I let her down.
I will from this time forward making sure there are no thistles in my yard.
Thought for the day: A Grandmother is a Mother who has a second chance
Monday, July 16, 2012

We had our first taste of sweet corn this past week, and it triggered memories of past corn experiences. Living in Wisconsin, I pass massive fields of corn every day. It is only mid-July, and the corn is already tasseled which is very early according to my memories. I also remember my parents telling me "knee high by the 4th of July". This used to be the standard for corn; this year on the 4th of July, the corn was easily six feet high.
It was always fun to walk down the rows of corn and feel like you were in a jungle. Many times I was warned about how people can get lost in cornfields, and you can never find them. I often wondered how that could be possible as long as you stayed in one row and just kept going. Perhaps you would get so confused and eventually distraught that a person wouldn't be able to stay in one row. Who knows?
My parents always raised wonderful sweet corn, and it was quite well known around the area. The brand name was Bodacious, and it was an all yellow variety. They used to sell it at the end of the driveway or used "the honor system" if we weren't home. My children got to sell it and keep the money. They would look forward to that every year. I don't think it was ever a money making business for my parents; just a fun thing to do. My mother would freeze large amounts in the fall so we could enjoy it all winter.
When we lived in Minnesota, Schonberg's corn was the best. He had an organic system, and it was bi colored and absolutely delicious. Starting in August, we would have sweet corn with our meals at least twice a week. Some times in the fall, I would buy large amounts and freeze it.
Who would think that corn could encompass so many memories? Now I am making new corn memories as I share it with grandchildren.
Thought for the day: Farming looks mighty easy when your plow is the pencil, and you are thousands of miles away from the corn field. Dwight D Eisenhower
Thursday, July 5, 2012
A Joyful Experience

On May 20th another new bundle of joy arrived in the world. This time I was there throughout the whole experience. I spoke with my daughter, Olivia, a couple days before and told her I had a feeling that Sunday was going to be the day. She called me on Saturday to notify me that labor pains had started so I jumped in the car and headed for her house. When I went to bed I assumed she would be waking me up in the middle of the night, but I slept the whole night and was surprised to awake in the morning to find that labor had not progressed.
We decided to go for a walk to try to get things going, and I believe finally headed to the hospital about 10:00 a.m. Well, we went the whole day walking the hallways without much progress so it was decided early evening to break the water, and then we were on our way.
Aria Joy was born, and I was the first one to see her (except the midwife, of course) plus I got to cut the cord. How awesome!! I also have to add that words can hardly describe the admiration and love I felt for my daughter as I watched her go through this experience with grace, strength and peace.
We were really trying to get her born on the 20th because my daughter had expressed wanting her to be born on an even day, and she made it. After hearing about this, I did some research and discovered that everyone in my family (parents, siblings, children, grandchildren) had all been born on even days which is an oddity.
So now I have four grandchildren and consider myself so blessed, and I love them all so much!!
Thought for the day: Any one who thinks women are the weaker sex have never witnessed childbirth.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Welcome to our world, Ethan Erik Flowers
On April 22nd, 2012 the first boy in our family entered the world. I had three daughters and so far have two granddaughters. Now we have little Ethan Erik who is Tahnee and Erik's son and joins Aubree.
I was able to make the trek to Brainerd last weekend to meet the little guy and get to know him as I have my other two, and I am in love again.
It will take me some time to know what to do with a boy, and I'm not sure I'll be quite as quick on the draw to change his diapers as I have been with the girls, but I'll learn. Tahnee was sprayed a few times last weekend so she has some learning to do, too.
So my world is expanding, and my life getting busier but it's all good.
Thought for the day: Babies are such a nice way to start people. Don Herold
I was able to make the trek to Brainerd last weekend to meet the little guy and get to know him as I have my other two, and I am in love again.
It will take me some time to know what to do with a boy, and I'm not sure I'll be quite as quick on the draw to change his diapers as I have been with the girls, but I'll learn. Tahnee was sprayed a few times last weekend so she has some learning to do, too.
So my world is expanding, and my life getting busier but it's all good.
Thought for the day: Babies are such a nice way to start people. Don Herold
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