Thursday, July 5, 2012

A Joyful Experience

On May 20th another new bundle of joy arrived in the world. This time I was there throughout the whole experience. I spoke with my daughter, Olivia, a couple days before and told her I had a feeling that Sunday was going to be the day. She called me on Saturday to notify me that labor pains had started so I jumped in the car and headed for her house. When I went to bed I assumed she would be waking me up in the middle of the night, but I slept the whole night and was surprised to awake in the morning to find that labor had not progressed.
We decided to go for a walk to try to get things going, and I believe finally headed to the hospital about 10:00 a.m. Well, we went the whole day walking the hallways without much progress so it was decided early evening to break the water, and then we were on our way.
Aria Joy was born, and I was the first one to see her (except the midwife, of course) plus I got to cut the cord. How awesome!! I also have to add that words can hardly describe the admiration and love I felt for my daughter as I watched her go through this experience with grace, strength and peace.
We were really trying to get her born on the 20th because my daughter had expressed wanting her to be born on an even day, and she made it. After hearing about this, I did some research and discovered that everyone in my family (parents, siblings, children, grandchildren) had all been born on even days which is an oddity.
So now I have four grandchildren and consider myself so blessed, and I love them all so much!!
Thought for the day: Any one who thinks women are the weaker sex have never witnessed childbirth.

1 comment:

  1. It means so much to me that you were there with us through the entire birth!
