Sunday, May 16, 2010

Tis a Gift to Be Simple

We just returned last night from a visit to Amish Country. My fascination with the Amish actually began as a young girl. I remember asking my dad if I could be Amish to which he replied, "you have to be born Amish." My interest was renewed when Brian and I married. One of his first gifts to me was a book called Among The Amish. We then visited Long Prairie, MN and eventually our interest brought us to Harmony, MN..Cashton, WI...Canton, OH...and Shipshewana, IN. I think much of it has to do with the idea that a group of people could actually adhere to this lifestyle for such a long period of time. I'm not naive to the pitfalls of their existence such as shunning, lack of hygiene, etc. However, as with any group of human beings, there are good and bad manifestations. I feel such peace when I'm among them that it's often quite a culture shock to come back to reality. I totally understand how not having automobiles, televisions, and electricity can keep families and communities more connected.
So since I can't be Amish, I will just have to continue to visit their communities as much as possible.

Thought for the day: Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity. I say, let your affairs be as two or three, not a hundred or a thousand.... Simplify, simplify. Henry David Thoreau

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