I do quite a bit of thinking which can be dangerous. However, I spent the weekend in Brainerd and got to hold my 4 month old granddaughter a whole lot (which makes me very happy). As I was looking at her and pondering what her daily life entails, the words of Jesus came to me: Unless you become like a little child, you cannot enter the kingdom of heaven; The kingdom of heaven is within you.
So I was thinking that just maybe he meant that unless we retain our innocence and sense of wonder and awe at just about every thing, we cannot attain heaven. And maybe he meant that unless we live deliberately (as much as possible as adults), we cannot reach heaven. Imagine if instead of rapidly walking through the yard, we stopped to look at each grass blade, or instead of hurrying by each tree, we stopped to feel the bark and touch the leaves. What if we ate when hungry and slept when tired. I know this is my most spiritual type of day; the kind where it just unfolds. What if we stopped rushing to and fro trying to get as much done as possible and tried to just be.
I do believe that we can achieve heaven on earth if we just take the time to be in awe.
Thought for the day: Earth's crammed with heaven, and every common bush afire with God; and only he who sees takes off his shoes; the rest sit round it and pluck blackberries. Elizabeth Barrett Browning
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